“If we are not fully ourselves, truly in the present moment, we miss everything.” Thích Nhất Hạnh
This series is based on candid, unstaged moments of my family at a 50th Anniversary party for our grandparents Earl & Joy Davis. I first took photos throughout the event for the groundwork for my Family Series. Each drawing is meant to emphasize being fully ourselves and truly present in the moment just like Thích Nhất Hạnh said. Through each drawing I am anything because it's all right here. We can witness these moments so that we do not miss everything captured by the drawings.
This series is based on candid, unstaged moments of my family at a 50th Anniversary party for our grandparents Earl & Joy Davis. I first took photos throughout the event for the groundwork for my Family Series. Each drawing is meant to emphasize being fully ourselves and truly present in the moment just like Thích Nhất Hạnh said. Through each drawing I am anything because it's all right here. We can witness these moments so that we do not miss everything captured by the drawings.

A Quick Escape
18x24, Graphite on Paper, 2006
18x24, Graphite on Paper, 2006
Copyright Mica Joy, 2006

Kicked Back & Contemplating
18"x24", Graphite on Paper, 2006
Copyright Mica Joy, 2006
Copyright Mica Joy, 2006

Leaning & Listening
5'3"Tall, Graphite on Paper, 2006
5'3"Tall, Graphite on Paper, 2006
Copyright Mica Joy, 2006

All About the Ice Cream
18"x24", Graphite on Paper, 2006
Copyright Mica Joy, 2006
Copyright Mica Joy, 2006

Just Rocking & Talking,
30"x40", Graphite on Paper, 2006
Copyright Mica Joy, 2006